Bachelor of Applied Science

Cyber Security Accelerated Master’s

Highly-qualified students in the Applied Science, Cyber Security concentration have the option of obtaining an accelerated Master’s degree in: Applied Information Technology, Digital Forensics, Management, Business Analytics, Health Informatics, or Interdisciplinary Studies (Computational Social Science Concentration).

Applied Information Technology, MS

Admissions Requirements

Students in the Applied Science, BAS, Cyber Security Concentration program may apply to this option if they have earned 60 undergraduate credits with an overall GPA of at least 3.30. They may begin taking graduate-level courses once they have earned 75 undergraduate credits. Criteria for admission are identical to criteria for admission to the Applied Information Technology, MS program.

Accelerated Option Requirements

Students must complete all credits that satisfy requirements for the BAS and MS programs, with up to 12 credits overlapping from the following courses:

  • AIT 512 Algorithms and Data Structures Essentials or AIT 580 Analytics: Big Data to Information
  • AIT 524 Database Management Systems
  • AIT 542 Fundamentals of Computing Platforms
  • AIT 660 Cyber Security Fundamentals*
  • AIT 664 Information: Representation, Processing and Visualization

Note: When selecting between AIT 512 and AIT 580, students should select the course that aligns with the MSAIT concentration they intend to pursue.

*This course is only applicable to the CYBR and ITMG concentrations in the MSAIT. Students planning to pursue CBHS or DAIN should select a different course.

Digital Forensics, MS

Admissions Requirements

Students in the Applied Science, BAS, Cyber Security Concentration program may apply for this option if they have earned 60 undergraduate credits with an overall GPA of at least 3.00. Criteria for admission are identical to criteria for admission to the Digital Forensics, MS program.

Students who are accepted into the BAM Pathway will be allowed to register for graduate level courses after successful completion of a minimum of 75 undergraduate credits and course-specific pre-requisites.

Accelerated Option Requirements

Students must complete all credits that satisfy requirements for the BAS and MS programs, with up to 12 credits overlapping from the following courses:

  • DFOR 510 Digital Forensics Analysis
  • DFOR 660 Network Forensics
  • DFOR 661 Digital Media Forensics
  • DFOR 663 Operations of Intrusion Detection for Forensics
  • DFOR 664 Incident Response Forensics
Management, MS

Admissions Requirements

Applicants to all graduate programs at George Mason University must meet the admission standards and application requirements for graduate study as specified in Graduate Admissions Policies and Bachelor’s/Accelerated Master’s Degree Policies. For information specific to this Accelerated Master’s program, see the Costello College of Business website.

Students will be considered for admission into the BAM pathway after completion of a minimum of 60 credits, and additional unit-specific criteria.  Full admission requirements can be viewed at the Costello College of Business website.

Students who are accepted into the BAM pathway will be allowed to register for graduate level courses after successful completion of a minimum of 75 undergraduate credits and all course-specific pre-requisites.

Accelerated Option Requirements

To maintain the integrity and quality of both the undergraduate and graduate degree programs, undergraduate students interested in taking graduate courses choose from the following:

  • GBUS 613 Financial Reporting and Decision Making
  • GBUS 623 Marketing Management
  • GBUS 638 Operations Management
  • GBUS 643 Managerial Finance
  • GBUS 653 Organizational Behavior
  • GBUS 662 Management of Information Technology
Business Analytics, MS

Admissions Requirements

Applicants in all graduate programs at George Mason University must meet the admission standards and application requirements for graduate study as specified in Graduate Admissions Policies and Bachelor’s/Accelerated Master’s Degree policies.  For information specific to this accelerated master’s program, see the Costello College of Business website.

Students will be considered for admission into the BAM pathway after completion of a minimum of 60 credits and additional unit-specific criteria.

Students who are accepted into the BAM pathway will be allowed to register for graduate-level courses after successful completion of a minimum of 75 undergraduate credits, MSBA 601 (0 credit hour primer course), and course specific pre-requisites.

Accelerated Option Requirement

Students who are accepted into the MSBA BAM pathway will be allowed to register for graduate level courses after successful completion of a minimum of 75 undergraduate credits and MSBA 601 (0 credit hour primer course).

To maintain the integrity and quality of both the undergraduate and graduate degree programs, undergraduate students interested in taking graduate courses choose from the following:

  • MSBA 610 Essentials for Business Analytics: From Data Ethics to Data Driven Decision-making
  • MSBA 615 Database Management for Business Analytics
  • MSBA 618 Programming for Business Analytics
  • MSBA 625 Exploratory Data Analysis and Visualization
Health Informatics, MS

Admissions Requirements

Applicants to all graduate programs at George Mason University must meet the admission standards and application requirements for graduate study as specified in Graduate Admissions Policies and Bachelor’s/Accelerated Master’s Degree policies. For information specific to this accelerated master’s program, see department website.

Students will be considered for admission into the BAM Pathway after completion of a minimum of 60 credits and students must submit two letters of recommendation from a faculty member.

Students who are accepted into the BAM Pathway will be allowed to register for graduate level courses after successful completion of a minimum of 75 undergraduate credits and course-specific pre-requisites.

Students already admitted in the BAM Pathway will be admitted to the MS program, if they have met the following criteria, as verified on the Bachelor’s/Accelerated Master’s Transition form:

  • 3.25 overall GPA
  • 3.50 GPA in major coursework
  • Successfully meeting Mason’s requirements for undergraduate degree conferral (graduation) and completing the application for graduation.

Accelerated Option Requirements

To maintain the integrity and quality of both the undergraduate and graduate degree programs, undergraduate students interested in taking graduate courses must choose from the following:

  • HAP 670 Introduction to Health Informatics
  • HAP 671 Health Care Databases
  • HAP 672 Health Data: Vocabulary and Standards
  • HAP 745 Health Care Security Policy
  • HAP 713 Project Management in Health Information Technology
Interdisciplinary Studies (Computational Social Science Concentration)

Admissions Requirements

Applicants to all graduate programs at George Mason University must meet the admission standards and application requirements for graduate study as specified in Graduate Admissions Policies and Bachelor’s/Accelerated Master’s Degree policies. For information specific to this program, see Application Requirements and Deadlines on the departmental website.

The accelerated MAIS with a concentration in Computational Social Science is appropriate for students in a variety of majors. Ideally applicants will have undergraduate backgrounds in both computer science/computational data science and the social sciences or humanities. Applicants pursuing an undergraduate degree in computer science/computational data science should have completed at least one upper-division course in communications, conflict analysis and resolution, criminology, economics, geography, government, history, psychology, or sociology. Applicants pursuing undergraduate degrees in these or other majors should have completed at least one upper-division computer science or computational data science course. Students will be considered for admission into the BAM Pathway after completion of a minimum of 60 credits, and an overall minimum GPA of 3.25.

Students who are accepted into the BAM Pathway will be allowed to register for graduate level courses after successful completion of a minimum of 75 undergraduate credits.

Students already admitted in the BAM Pathway will be admitted to the MAIS program, if they have met the following criteria, as verified on the Bachelor’s/Accelerated Master’s Transition form:

  • Minimum overall GPA of 3.25
  • Successfully meeting Mason’s requirements for undergraduate degree conferral (graduation) and completing the application for graduation.

Accelerated Option Requirements

To maintain the integrity and quality of both the undergraduate and graduate degree programs, undergraduate students interested in taking graduate courses must choose from the following courses. With permission of the student’s undergraduate and graduate advisors, accelerated Computational Social Science students may select a substitute course for accelerated coursework. Substitutions must be justified as specifically relevant to the student’s study and will be noted on the transition form. Concentration substitutions will not satisfy more than one requirement within the major.

Advanced Standing courses (up to 12 credits)

  • CSS 600 Introduction to Computational Social Science (3 credits)
  • CSS 605 Object-Oriented Modeling in Social Science (3 credits)
  • CSS 610 Agent-based Modeling and Simulation (3 credits)
  • CSS 620 Origins of Social Complexity (3 credits)

Reserve Graduate Credit courses (up to 6 credits) taken while an undergraduate and will only count for the graduate degree program

  • CSS 600 Introduction to Computational Social Science (3 credits)
  • CSS 605 Object-Oriented Modeling in Social Science (3 credits)
  • CSS 610 Agent-based Modeling and Simulation (3 credits)
  • CSS 620 Origins of Social Complexity (3 credits)
  • CSS 625 Complexity Theory in the Social Sciences (3 credits)
  • CSS 645 Spatial Agent-Based Models of Human-Environment Interactions (3 credits)
  • CSS 692 Social Network Analysis (3 credits)

For more detailed information on coursework and timeline requirements see AP.6.7 Bachelor’s Accelerated Master’s Degree policies.

Degree Conferral

Students must apply for graduation the semester before they expect to complete the BAS requirements in order to have the BAS degree conferred. Additionally, at the beginning of the student’s final undergraduate semester, students must complete a Bachelor’s/Accelerated Master’s Transition form. At the completion of MS requirements, a master’s degree is conferred.

How to Apply

When students have earned 60 credit hours and have the required GPA they may apply as a potential Bachelor’s/Accelerated Master’s student.

An application guide is available here.


Name: Krystal Dains

Title: Director, Bachelor of Applied Science

Email: [email protected]