Bachelor of Applied Science

Steps to Getting Started with your BAS Degree Program


Students admitted to Mason will be sent a letter of acceptance from the Office of Admissions. To confirm their acceptance, a student must pay their enrollment deposit.

Remember, if you have not yet submitted your final transcript, you must do so as soon as your final grades post and your AAS degree is conferred.  A registration hold will be placed on your account until your final transcript is received.

If after you have been accepted to Mason, your final transcript reveals that you no longer meet the Admissions requirements, your admission to BAS may be revoked.

Activate Accounts

After your enrollment deposit is processed, Admissions will activate your student status.  You will receive an email explaining how to activate your various student accounts such as your Mason email and PatriotWeb account.


All new students are required to attend orientation.  After your enrollment deposit is processed, you will be notified via email about the orientation registration process.  Students who plan to pursue the BAS program fully online will be offered the opportunity to participate in online orientation.


As part of orientation, you will meet with your academic advisor.  Your advisor will review your Transfer Credit Evaluation with you, and help you choose your first semester courses.  If you would like to contact your advisor before orientation, you are welcome to do so.  It is strongly encouraged that you meet with your academic advisor regularly to ensure you remain on track.


New transfer students will be given the opportunity to register for courses during orientation.  Remember, however, that you will have a registration hold on your account until your final transcript is received by Admissions.  Your academic advisor will assist you with the registration process, and there is also a registration guide available.

After your first semester, you will register as part of Mason’s standard registration cycle.  Registration dates will be posted on the Academic Calendar.  As registration approaches, the Registrar’s Office will send you reminder emails.  Each student will be assigned a Registration Time Ticket, based on the number of credits earned. The date and time of the your registration will be posted in your PatriotWeb account.  You should schedule an appointment with your academic advisor before your registration day.


Once you have registered for courses, you may purchase their textbooks using the Mason bookstore.


Students must be aware of all tuition deadlines, as well as how, when, and where to pay tuition. Students can find financial aid information on the Office of Student Financial Aid website. Tuition information will also be available in a student’s Patriot Web account.

Click here for current tuition rates.

Mason Policies

Once the semester has begun, it your responsibility to be aware of Mason policies, particularly policies that may directly impact your academic progress. You should know when the deadlines for late add, drop, selective withdrawal, etc. will take effect. You are  also expected to also know the academic standing policy, and how the university determines whether a student is placed on academic warning, probation, suspension, or dismissal.

Student Support Services

Please be aware that Mason has numerous support services available to students.  If you are not sure where to go for assistance, you can always ask your academic advisor.